The Silo Tapes #1

Composing vocal music in the amazing super-echo environment of an abandoned silo, in the former harbour of Amsterdam.

This is what the Genetic Choir did last month and here is the first of a number of instant compositions we recorded there. ( Maybe a new CD in the making…? )


Many thanks to
Jakub Kupikowski for the suggestion

Carolien Zwirt for the connection

and AMVEST for the permission and opportunity


You can find more Genetic Choir music on our Audio Page or on our first CD.



February song

Here a composition for this chilly, empty time of the year…   🙂

This is another piece that we actually recorded in the heat of summer last year, thanks to an invitation of Dennis Maij ( to work in his studio. (more recorded music can be found here)

(1) 2002.Olin.9.5x17.5cmMoreover, it is one of the pieces we started making based on graphic scores. Here on a drawing made by Tanja Smit ( She creates drawings based on printed texts in books and newspaper-articles. This drawing – “Olin” – happens to be based on a Finnish text. For more information about Tanja and her collaboration with the Genetic Choir look here.

We are going to sing a concert based on more of her drawings on 10th of February 2013. For more information and reservations, click here or look at the previous post on this blog (below).

Extra Concert with Graphic Scores

After our performance last week in LOOS, the Genetic Choir will sing another concert with the Graphic Scores of Tanja Smit in February!

Los avogados.2x21.5cm.2005The ‘Toon & Taal Festival’ in Alkmaar has invited us to give a matinee concert on Sunday, 10th of February at 15:00 in Provadja. You can also follow a workshop prior to the concert.

14:00 workshop voice-improvisation
15:00 concert starts

Provadja, Verdronkenoord 12, 1811 BE Alkmaar
tickets/reservations: (072) 520 20 22

Genetic Choir sings Tanja Smit – voices and text-images

“Het Genetic Choir maakt composities uit fragmenten van de werkelijkheid. De muziek ontstaat op het moment met het publiek en gebruikt wat is voor handen: de architectuur van de zaal, de aanwezigheid van de mensen, toevallige geluiden, geuren, vormen. Ook meegenomen materiaal kan de basis vormen voor de composities: een schilderij, een woord, iets te eten.
Tanja Smit maakt tekeningen op teksten die ze vindt in boeken en kranten. De beelden die daarbij ontstaan zijn visuele analyses van de tekststructuur. Het lijken partituren die erom vragen gezongen te worden. Een samenwerking lag op de loer. Zowel Smit als het Genetic Choir verkennen in hun werk patronen die onder de oppervlakte van de werkelijkheid liggen en creëren zo nieuwe ervaringen van woorden, beelden en muziek.”

Information about this concert in English? Look here. /

Composing for the Metropole Orchestra

This might interest you, dear instant composition singers:

Today everyone can compose a few bars of music for the Metropole Orkest, and there is a good chance they will play your music live as part of the Twitter Symphony they are playing today (which will take about 8 hours…)  Look here:    They will even twitter you back if they have played your composition and give you a link to the video-registration of the piece you have created!

So, go ahead.

If you make a composition an twitter it to them, let me know about it via my Twitter account @instantcomposer  so that I can gather all the little compositions made by you  (maybe together, that can become an open score for our next concert  😀    )

Greetings, Thomas

Workshops coming up!

Hi everybody!

Click here for an overview of all currently planned Genetic Choir workshops.

…first possibility this season is the upcoming workshop in Amsterdam

26-28 August, starting Friday evening.

3 places still available…   (click here for more info)

SUNDAY 28th in the afternoon is also the first GC session of the season – for all Genetic Choir singers (including the people who have done the workshop of course)

See you there or sometime soon!
