Exploring Space and Place through Sound


21+22 March 2015  

phrases_stillstbr_4_crop_for_blogIt may not always feel like it, but your body, the space around you and your voice are all subtly connected: if one changes, the other two are affected. To become more aware of this triple interaction and be able to play with it as a performer in an interdisciplinary ensemble is the ambition of these two days.

“Find your space and you will find your voice”, Enrique Pardo tends to say to his performers. We will investigate this notion and find that any type of space, and any specific constellation of bodies in that space has profound influence on our voice. Everyday life trains us not to be too influenced by this, but for improvisers this is where the magic happens in live performance.

Our research will be to give this interdependency all our attention, so that we can play with it, be moved and surprised and use space, voices and bodies to their fullest ability.
This Genetic Choir workshop is in collaboration with Dans Improvisatie Utrecht

Weaving with Sounds @ the Rietveld

weavingIn collaboration with Anna Orlikowska, who is presenting her work “The Weaving” tomorrow at the Rietveld Academy in the big end-of-year exhibition, the Genetic Choir will perform a live-sound-installation inspired on her work, that is moving through the semi-public spaces of the academy building: staircases, corridors, elevators…

Address: Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Frederik Roeskestraat 96, 1076 ED Amsterdam


We will start at 16:30.  You are very welcome.

And of course there is much more to see and hear at the Rietveld tomorrow…

