About the Genetic Choir project

The Genetic Choir is two things at the same time: a method for improvisation singing and a group of people who train and instantly compose together frequently. There’s a performers group of experienced singers, who sings concerts in – often unusual – locations.

The Genetic Choir way of working is continuously being developed by the pool of singers, lead in the work by Thomas Johannsen.

In the workshops, Genetic Choir singers train with each other and develop the work, but most of these workshops are at the same time open for newcomers to join (look here).

Those who come to the Genetic Choir workshops more regularly will automatically be invited to join in on projects and in giving concerts.

We are welcoming any initiative for collaborations with other artists or specific contexts. Just let us know if you think the Genetic Choir can mean something for you as a musician, artist, festival or organisation.

Any more questions?  Send us a message.

For more information on what the idea of the Genetic Choir is and where it comes from, have a look at at “What is the Genetic Choir?” or at Philosophy.

For an overview of the different workshops on offer at the moment, click here.