How to get Genetic Choir News

dsc05238Dear Genetic Choir interested and friends,

there are two ways to stay in touch with us, which both have their particular qualities:

  • subscribe to the BLOG to stay up-to-date with regular nieuws (+/- every two weeks a new blogpost)
  • subscribe to the NEWSLETTER, for less up-to-date, but more in-depth summaries of things that have happened and things to come. (+/- every three months)

TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BLOG, type your e-mail address in the field in the right hand column (under ‘Follow the Genetic Choir’)


If the above link doesn’t seem to work, or you would like to read our previous newsletters, you can also go directly to this MailChimp page and subscribe there.

We are also on FACEBOOK, both as the Genetic Choir (become a friend to stay in touch) and as The Genetic Choir Ensemble (like us to stay in touch)

Thanks for enjoying our existence!  🙂

the Genetic Choir singers